I have tried Dr. Joe Dispenza's technique for attaining success in life, whether health-wise, in your career, personal life - anything. Now , I know money matters to everyone right now. Gone are the days when we were hopeful that we can easily save up to pay for a house, buy a new car every 4 years so on and so forth. It just seems like we are stuck in a job to be able to pay the bills, also because it's hard to find another job, try so hard to squeeze numbers to make more profit sacrificing culture or ethics even. And I'm one of them too. When I tried this experiment, it blew my mind. Interviews kept coming in (4 interviews in a week!), business opportunities were being offered to me by even people that i just knew 6 months ago! This technique of being in the moment and bringing your future to you turned things around. Wait for my upcoming video to share more!